Information and registration

The conference is open to all.
Simultaneous translation in Italian, Greek and English will be ensured.
Arrivals are expected on Monday 5th September; departures on Friday 9th in the afternoon and Saturday 10th in the morning. Hospitality will be ensured at the Monastery of Bose.
To register for the Conference, it is necessary to call the Secretariat and send pdfthe registration form via email by August 25, 2022, until all places have been filled.

28th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality
and His Spiritual Teaching

Monastery of Bose, 6-9 settembre 2022
in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches

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The conference is open to all.
Simultaneous translation in Italian, Greek and English will be ensured.
Arrivals are expected on Monday 5th September; departures on Friday 9th in the afternoon and Saturday 10th in the morning. Hospitality will be ensured at the Monastery of Bose.
To register for the Conference, it is necessary to call the Secretariat and send pdfthe registration form via email by August 25, 2022, until all places have been filled.

The Secretariat is available for any information.

Convegno Ecumenico – Secretariat
I-13887 Magnano (BI)
Tel. +39 015.679.185 – Fax +39 015.679.294