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Read more: Library

Since its first years, the community of Bose has felt the need to have a library, which could meet its members' spiritual and intellectual requirements.

Over the years, the library's patrimony has grown together with the growth of the community. It currently includes about 74.000 books, with a special section for Italian and foreign periodicals (about 200 titles). In 1999, after the new monastic church was built, the library was moved to the new rooms under the church. The library covers mainly the following subjects:

Read more: Library
the library of Bose, an aisle
  • Bible
  • Judaism
  • Patristics
  • Monasticism
  • Orthodox and Eastern Christianity
  • Protestant Christianity
  • Ecumenism
  • Spirituality

Two brothers are in charge of updating the library's catalogue and of buying new books.

The library is part of the network of libraries of the Piedmont region and member of the network of the Church libraries of the Piedmont region . It is open to the public for consulting books and periodicals during opening hours and after a phone or e-mail contact.


For further information contact:

The Library of Bose
Monastery of Bose
I – 13887 Magnano BI
Tel (+39) 015.679.264
(8.00-12.00; 14.00-17.00 Mon.-Fri.)
Fax (+39) 015.679.290