CDs and audio cassettes
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For about twenty years most of the courses, conferences, and meetings which are hold at the monastery of Bose have been recorded on audio cassettes, in order to let many people benefit from these sources of spiritual and intellectual training. Since 2006 CDs are available too.
Our catalogue includes more than one hundred titles, covering different fields, such as the Bible, theology, spirituality, human sciences, etc.
All the materials are in Italian.
How to browse through the catalogue and to buy
Browse through the CD catalogue
Browse through the audio cassette catalogue
To buy and receive at home
CDs and audio cassettes
use the cart
with the suggested forms of payment
or send your order to the above address.
Orders are dealt with within 24 hours
from Monday to Friday.
At request we will send these catalogues in printed format
(available only from the Publisher)
I-13887 Magnano BI
Tel (+39) 015 679 124 (8.00-12.00;14.00-17.00 lun.-ven.)
Fax (+39) 015 679 290
Frazione Bose, 6
C.F. and P. IVA: 01415400025