Stoneware and raku pottery of Bose

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É possibile seguire le fasi di creazione di alcuni dei vasi esposti e degli altri manufatti del laboratorio: l'impasto della terra, la tornitura, la produzione degli smalti e i vari metodi di smaltatura



 On the occasion of the exhibition "Forms and colours in dialogue", a video about the process of making stoneware pottery has been produced. In the video (10 min.) one can see the different steps of production of the objects on exhibition and of other pieces made in our workshop.

 Musics were kindly accorded to us by the composer and musician Jimmy Gelhaar  

 Stoneware and raku pottery of Bose

Monastero di Bose
I – 13887 Magnano BI
Tel (+39) 015 679 115            (+39) 015 679 115    
Fax (+39) 015 679 4949
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