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Read more: Icons
Read more: Icons
pigment pounding

The icon laboratory of the monastery of Bose started its activity about twenty years ago. Nowadays a small group of brothers and sisters of the community share with many monks of the Christian East this ancient art of icon painting.

The Byzantine iconographic tradition was the starting point of our activity thanks to our friendship with Greek monks and nuns, who passed on to us the wisdom of their art. The Greek icon painter Emanuele Panselinos is the main reference for our models in the Byzantine style.

Since the '90s we turned our attention to the Italian painting tradition. Italian painters of the thirteenth and fourtheenth centuries, such as Duccio di Boninsegna and Berlinghieri, are the main reference for our models in the Italic style.

The Russian tradition, and particularly the two great Russian icon painters Dionisij and A. Rublëv, is a source of inspiration for our models and technique.

In the last years we widened our artistic horizons including also to the Coptic tradition and the Ethiopian tradition.


Since June 2005 an exhibition room with a collection of our liturgical icons is open to the public (for visiting hours contact the monastery).

At the moment one picture for each iconographic style, some photographs of the exhibition room, and a full list of all the subjects (with available size) are published on this website.

A comprehensive photographic catalogue is available in the hall next to the reception room of the monastery.

To order icons and to ask for estimate contact our laboratory.


Some of the icons are on display in the hall next to the reception room of the monastery.

pdfSee our ready icons catalogue (february 2016)

For further information contact:

The icons of Bose
Monastery of Bose
I – 13887 Magnano BI
Tel (+39) 015.679.115 (8.00-12.00; 14.00-17.00 Mon.-Fri.)
Fax (+39) 015.679.49.49
e-mail: icone@monasterodibose.it

Icons in the Russian style

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Read more: Icons in the Russian style
Read more: Icons in the Russian style
Trinity - Russian style
Icon Icon P size
(lenght x high in cm)
Icon M size
(lenght x high in cm)
Icon G size
(b x h in cm)
Angel (Gabriel, Michael, Raphael)

11 x 13

24 x 30

32 x 40

48 x 60 80 x 100
Christ with the open Book
32 x 40
48 x 60
80 x 100
The coming Christ 32 x 40 48 x 60 80 x 100
John the Theologian and Evangelist 21 x 43
Mary, mother of Tenderness 11 x 13 38 x 60 65 x 100
Mary, mother of Tenderness 24 x 30
Paul 30 x 40 48 x 60 80 x 100
Holy Family 32 x 40 48 x 60 80 x 100
Transfiguration 32 x 40 48 x 60 80 x 100
White Trinity with blue background 32 x 40 48 x 60 80 x 100
White Trinity with ochre background 32 x 40 48 x 60 80 x 100
Colored Trinity Rublëv 32 x 40 48 x 60 80 x 100
Colored Trinity (altar-piece)     170 x 188
28 x 40
38 x 60 65 x 100
Christ's face "Spas"

11 x 13

24 x 30

32 x 40

48 x 60 80 x 100

Icon P size = standard small size

Icon M size = standard medium size

Icon G size = standard big size

Icon R size = size at request (max hight 200 cm) 

Icons in the Ethiopian style

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Read more: Icons in the Ethiopian style
Read more: Icons in the Ethiopian style
the last supper - Ethiopian style
Icon Icon P size (length x
height in cm)
R size (length x
height in cm)
Nuptial embrace
32 x 40  
Adoration of the Magi

40 x 32 

40 x 40

Annunciation 32 x 40
Emmaus 40 x 32
The feet washing 32 x 40
Nativity of Jesus

32 x 40

40 x 40

St. Peter and St. Paul 32 x 40
Transfiguration 32 x 40
The last supper 40 x 32
Visitation 32 x 40
P size = standard small-sized icon
R size = variable-sized icon (at request, max hight cm 200)

Icons in the Byzantine style

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Read more: Icons in the Byzantine style
Read more: Icons in the Byzantine style
Transfiguration, Byzantine style
Icon Icon P size
(lenght x hight in cm)
Icon M size
(lenght x hight in cm)
Icon G size
(lenght x hight in cm)
Nuptial embrace 22 x 30
32 x 40
The sinner
32 x 40 48x60
The Lord's friends (Bethany)
32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Annunciation 32 x 40 48x60
Annunciation to Joseph 32 x 40 48x60
Baptism 32 x 40 48x60
The good Samaritan 32 x 40 48x60
Christ with the Book 32 x 40 48x60
Christ, the Good Shepherd 32 x 40 48x60
Deesis (Mary, Christ, John the Baptist)
h 40
h 60 h 100
The disciples at Emmaus 32 x 40 48x60
The beloved disciple 32 x 40 48x60
Christ's descent into hell 32 x 40 48x60
Christ's descent into hell (Cora) 40 x 40 60x60  
Christ's descent into hell (altar-piece)     170 x 188
Women at the tomb 32 x 40 48x60
John the Baptist 32 x 40 48x60
St. Thomas's unbelief 32 x 40 48x60
The feet washing 32 x 40 48x60
Jacob's fight
32 x 40 48x60
Mary offers Jesus 32 x 40 48x60
Eastern and eastern monastics
The Nativity of Christ
32 x 40 48x60
Do not cry, my Mother 32 x 40 48x60
The merciful Father 32 x 40 48x60
Eastern and western fathers of the church
40x40 60x60
The forgiven sinner 32 x 40 48x60
Pentecost 32 x 40 48x60
St. Peter and St. Paul 32 x 40 48x60
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple 32 x 40 48x60
Transfiguration 32 x 40 48x60
Transfiguration (altar-piece)     170 x 188
All saints
The last supper 32 x 40 48x60
Virgin Mary 40 x 40 60x60  
Visitation 32 x 40 48x60
Common life 32 x 40 48x60
Christ's face 11 x 13
32 x 40
P size = standard small-sized icon
M size = standard medium-sized icon
G size = standard big-sized icon

Icons in the Italic style

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Read more: Icons in the Italic style
Read more: Icons in the Italic style
Baptism of Jesus - Italic style
Icon P size (length x
height in cm)
M size (length x
height in cm)
G size (length x
height in cm)
Adoration of the Magi 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
The Loprd's friends (Bethany: Martha, Mary and Lazarus)
32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Ascension 40 x 40 60x60
Baptism 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Cana 32 x 40 48x60
Peter and John running to the tomb 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Christ the Good Shepherd 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Cristo in croce “christus triumphans”

32 x 40

48 x 60

62 x 80

96 x 120

140 x 183

150 x 200

200 x 270

Cristo Veniente 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Croce Pasquale 60 x 60
Crocifissione 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Christ on the cross “Christus triumphans” 60 x 260
Christ on the cross “Christus dormiens” 32 x 40 48 x 60 90 x 120
The Dormition of Mary 40 x 40 60x60
St. Francis and St. Benedict 32x40
Jesus and the Samaritan
48x60 80x100
Jesus teaches to the disciples 40 x 40 60x60
Gethsemani 40 x 40 60x60
St. Thomas's unbelief 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
The conforted Mary 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Nativity of Jesus 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
"Noli me tangere" 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
"Do not cry, my Mother" 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
"Simon, do you love me?"
32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Transit of Mary 40 x 40 60x60
32 x 40 48x60 80x100
Christ's face 32 x 40 48x60 80x100
P size = standard small-sized icon
M size = standard medium-sized icon
G size = standard big-sized icon

Icons in the Coptic style

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Read more: Icons in the Coptic style
Read more: Icons in the Coptic style
St. Antony - Coptic style
Icon Icon P size (length x
height in cm)
M size (length x
height in cm)
R size (length x
height in cm)
“Friendship” (Jesus and His Friend) (Copy from the original painting) 30x30 or 40 x 40 60x60
Angel (Gabriel, Michael, Raphael) 24 x 40
Annunciation 32 x 49
St. Antony and St. Paul 32 x 49
St. Antony 32 x 49
St. Clare of Assisi 32 x 49
Descent into hell 32 x 49
Christ sitting on his throne with the four evangelists 40 x 40
St. Francis of Assisi 32 x 49
St. Thomas's unbelief 32 x 49
Feet washing 32 x 49
Moses 32 x 49
Nativity 32 x 49
Abraham's hospitality 32 x 49
St. Pachomius 32 x 49
The forgiven sinner 32 x 49
The Samaritan at the well 32 x 49
Transfiguration 32 x 49
Visitation 32 x 49
P size  = standard small-sized icon
M size  = standard medium-sized icon
R size = variable-sized icon (at request, max hight 200 cm)

The icons of Bose

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Read more: The icons of Bose

The icon laboratory of the monastery of Bose started its activity about twenty years ago. Nowadays a small group of brothers and sisters of the community share with many monks of the Christian East this ancient art of icon painting.

The Byzantine iconographic tradition was the starting point of our activity thanks to our friendship with Greek monks and nuns, who passed on to us the wisdom of their art. The Greek icon painter Emanuele Panselinos is the main reference for our models in the Byzantine style.

Since the '90s we turned our attention to the Italian painting tradition. Italian painters of the thirteenth and fourtheenth centuries, such as Duccio di Boninsegna and Berlinghieri, are the main reference for our models in the Italic style.

The Russian tradition, and particularly the two great Russian icon painters Dionisij and A. Rublëv, is a source of inspiration for our models and technique.

In recent years we have widened our artistic horizons to include also the Coptic tradition and the Ethiopian tradition.

Read more: The icons of Bose
the icon exhibition room

Since June 2005 an exhibition room with a collection of our liturgical icons is open to the public (for visiting hours contact the monastery).

At the moment one picture for each iconographic style, some photographs of the exhibition room, and a full list of all the subjects (with available size) are published on this website.

A comprehensive photographic catalogue is available in the hall next to the reception room of the monastery.

To order icons and to ask for an estimate contact our laboratory.


Some of the icons are on display in the hall next to the reception room of the monastery.

All our icons are entirely handmade.

Read more: The icons of Bose
linden and oak is used to make the panels

Linden from the forests of Slovenia and Italian oak, aged naturally in the monastery’s lumber yard, were used to make the wooden support on which the icon was painted. The linden panel was assembled according to medieval carpentry tradition, and a hollow was carved in the front of it to obtain the ‘cradle’ in which the icon is painted. Two dovetail hollows on the back of the panel hold the oak crosspieces, which help prevent the panel from bending and ensure its ventilation when hung.

The panel was soaked in Sinotar, a systemic insecticide, to protect it from wood-eating insects.

Read more: The icons of Bose
the ‘Atelier del Monastero di Bose’ trademark stamped on the panel’s reverse side

A piece of raw linen was applied to the front of the panel using animal glue. About fourteen thin layers of a mixture of animal glue and calcium carbonate were painted over the linen.

The surface was carefully sanded, and the linden and oak were treated with two layers of varnish.

A wrought iron hook was affixed to the back of the panel, and the ‘Atelier del Monastero di Bose’ trademark was stamped on the panel’s reverse side.

A line drawing of the icon’s subject was made on paper, and then transferred to the wood.

Read more: The icons of Bose
gold leaf's application

Gold leaf of twenty-three and three-fourths carats was applied to the gold parts of the icon, and protected with sealant.

Dry egg tempera was the medium used to paint the icon, and the natural and chemical pigments were carefully chosen and pulverized.

Read more: The icons of Bose
the protection with Olifa

The finished painting is protected with Olifa, linseed oil cooked in cobalt salts and spread generously on the panel, then wiped off. The process was repeated several times to obtain a smooth satin finish.

How to care for your icon: Simply wipe off the surface occasionally with a soft wool cloth, to remove dust that may accumulate over time. We recommend keeping the icon far from all heat sources, and in a well-ventilated room that is neither too dry nor too humid. The laboratory declines all responsibility in the event that these maintenance conditions are not respected.

For further information contact:

The icons of Bose
Monastery of Bose
I – 13887 Magnano BI
Tel (+39) 015.679.115 (8.00-12.00 ;14.00-17.00 Mon.-Fri.)
Fax (+39) 015.679.49.49
e-mail: icone@monasterodibose.it