Formulas and indications

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Read more: Formulas and indications

Green tea

not oxidized and antioxidant
scientific studies testify its benefits 



Red tea 

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Red tea

ROOIBOS without caffeine
antioxidant and mineralizing


Earl grey black tea
Read more: Formulas and indications
Earl grey black tea


flavored with bergamot oil,
cornflower and orange flowers


Tisana dell’Amicizia


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Tisana dell’Amicizia
Read more: Formulas and indications
Tisana dell’Amicizia, Gift package

An infusion of fragrant herbs, prominent among them the scented elder, and the dogwood, enriched with the agreeable taste of raisins and of blackberries. His is a drink to taste in company for a moment of conviviality, but also alone, for a moment of meditation.

Of this kind of herbal tea is available also
the gift package "favor" (at request)



Read more: Formulas and indications
Tisana Balsamica

Tisana Balsamica

Eucalyptus, hyssop, thyme: a mixture of plants for an infusion of emollient-expectorant effects, with a pleasant scent that recalls mountain meadows.




Read more: Formulas and indications
Tisana del Buon riposo

Tisana del Buon riposo
(Pleasant Dreams)

In this herbal mixture the passion flower with its sedative action is coupled with the balm-mint, an aid to relaxation. It is meant to be drunk before going to bed: it is ideal for bringing on sleep!




Read more: Formulas and indications
Tisana della Simpatia
Read more: Formulas and indications
Tisana della Simpatia, Gift package

Tisana della Simpatia
(Pleasant Moments)

This is a drink for all hours of the day: tasty, thanks to apple, red sorrel, and calendula, agreeable, with a hint of berries. Whether taken as a steaming drink on cold and damp winter days or chilled in the summer, it is always a natural and refreshing remedy for thirst!

Of this kind of herbal tea is available also
the gift package "favor" (at request)




Read more: Formulas and indications
Tisana Antistress

Tisana Antistress

Motherwort (leonorus cardiaca) and hawthorn are known as the “plants of the heart” and are used for their beneficent influence on the organism when it is suffering from moments of anxiety, a sense of anguish, stress. The flowers of the lavender, with a finely penetrating scent, possess an excellent sedative property. Verbena and orange flowers complete the rich aroma of this infusion.




Read more: Formulas and indications
Tisana depurativa

Tisana Depurativa

A multitude of herbs are used for this infusion, truly complete, known also as “of a thousand herbs”. Its good effects on the organism are many: delicately laxative thanks to senna and to the bark of the elder dogwood; diuretic due to the effect of couch-grass and of pellitory; an aid to digestion and the functioning of the liver thanks to mint and boldo. This is an infusion for changes of season!




Read more: Formulas and indications
Tisana della quiete

Tisana della Quiete

A skillful mixture of herbs for a little relaxation or for a break from work. Mallow, orange flowers, and chamomile are prominent, on account of their tonic, soothing, and calming properties. The aroma that is emitted is fresh and delicate thanks to mint.




Read more: Formulas and indications
Tisana digestiva

Tisana Digestiva

This infusion is helpful after a meal, when a heaviness is felt in the stomach; in it the roots of the gentian are mixed with mint tops, yarrow, absinthe, thyme, and juniper berries. For a more effective action, it can be prepared as a decoction, allowing it to boil for 2/3 minutes.




Read more: Formulas and indications
Tisana energetica

Tisana Energetica

The eleutherococcus, of the same botanic family as ginseng, is widely used for its effect of “anti-tiredness”: not only physical tiredness, but also intellectual. It is hence the ideal infusion for those who study or who engage in sports! Of a pleasantly bitter taste, it may be sweetened with honey. It is more effective when prepared as a decoction, allowing it to boil for 4/5 minutes.




Read more: Formulas and indications
Tisana di Camomilla

Tisana di Camomilla

The properties of the chamomile have been known to all for centuries. These flowers of superior quality, gathered and dried with art, give out a scent that recalls ancient fragrances…




Read more: Formulas and indications
Tisana Orientale
Read more: Formulas and indications
Tisana Orientale, Gift package

Tisana Orientale

Spicy and savory tastes that recall the fascination of the Orient are mixed together in this infusion of fruits and flowers. It is to be tasted seated on a sofa in good company.

Of this kind of herbal tea is available also
the gift package "favor" (at request)


Read more: Formulas and indications
Gift packages

Tisana del Sollievo

This blend is made up of fennel and anise seeds with liquorice and valerian roots. It is a relief in case of disturbing build-up of air in the digestive system.





Read more: Formulas and indications
Tisana del sollievo

Garlic, oil, pepper mixture

Proposed as a seasoning for pasta dishes, this mixture is made up of our garlic and of a highly flavored but not hot pepper from Turkey.
To be mixed with olive oil, preferably the oil produced by our fraternity in Ostuni.





Read more: Formulas and indications
Garlic, oil, pepper mixture

Garlic, onion, basil, pepper mixture

Proposed as a seasoning for pasta dishes, this mixture is made up of our garlic, onion, basil and of a highly flavored but not hot pepper from Turkey.
To be mixed with olive oil, preferably the oil produced by our fraternity in Ostuni.



(vegetable mix) 


Read more: Formulas and indications
Garlic, onion, basil, pepper mixture

green anise



For further information contact:

Herbal infusions of Bose
Monastery of Bose
I – 13887 Magnano BI
Tel                +39 015 679185        
Fax +39 015679290

Teas and herbal infusions

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Read more: Teas and herbal infusions
Read more: Teas and herbal infusions
Gift packages with herbal teas
Read more: Teas and herbal infusions
Gift packages with herbal teas
Read more: Teas and herbal infusions
Products on sell
Read more: Teas and herbal infusions
preparing blends

Herbal infusions of Bose are the fruit of an expert blending of herbs, berries, flowers, fruits, roots, and seeds.

An infusion of fruits and herbs, taken when one is alone for a moment of stillness or with friends “telling stories”...

An infusion can be an efficacious aid in a moment of difficulty of our organism, when a medicine is perhaps not necessary, but we feel the need to have recourse to nature...

Here is the list and formulas of our available products :

  • Green tea
  • Red tea
  • Earl grey black tea 
  • Gift package with a selection of herbal teas
  • Favor with herbal teas
  • Tisana dell'amicizia ("Friendship" herbal infusion)
  • Tisana balsamica (Balsamic herbal infusion)
  • Tisana del buon riposo ("Pleasant dreams" herbal infusion)
  • Tisana della simpatia ("Pleasant moments" herbal infusion)
  • Tisana antistress (Anti-stress herbal infusion)
  • Tisana depurativa (Depurative herbal infusion)
  • Tisana della quiete (Quietness herbal infusion)
  • Tisana digestiva (Digestive herbal infusion)
  • Tisana energetica (Energetic herbal infusion)
  • Tisana di camomilla (Camomile infusion)
  • Tisana orientale (Oriental herbal infusion)
  • Tisana del sollievo ("Relief" herbal infusion)
  • Garlic, oil, pepper mixture
  • Garlic, onion, basil, pepper mixture
  • Compositum, vegetatable mix 
Read more: Teas and herbal infusions
putting blends in the pots

Our herbal infusions and teas are on display in the hall next to the reception room of the monastery. We also send them by mail on request: you only have to write or send a fax.




For further information contact:

Herbal infusions of Bose
Monastery of Bose
I – 13887 Magnano BI
Tel (+39) 015.679.264        
(8.00-12.00;14.00-17.00 Mon.-Fri.)
Fax (+39) 015.679.290