Assisi Grechetto doc

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Read more: Assisi Grechetto doc
The grapes are cultivated on the land of the monastery of San Masseo at the feet of Assisi’s historical center, where the tending of vines and olive trees by monks goes back 950 years


Read more: Assisi Grechetto doc
The monastery of San Masseo, Assisi (the crypt, 1059)
Read more: Assisi Grechetto doc

The Grechetto wine, produced from a typical grape variety of Umbria that has been cultivated since the times of the Roman conquests, is derived from the ancient “Greek wine” imported from the islands of the Mediterranean.

The grapes are cultivated on the land of the monastery of San Masseo at the feet of Assisi’s historical center, where the tending of vines and olive trees by monks goes back 950 years, that is, to the year 1059. These grapes give a crystalline wine of intense aroma, with a characteristic persistence of almond, with unforgettable sensations of plants, of broom and of field flowers, of medlar and of white peach.

San Masseo, which arose on Roma and Byzantine foundations and according to tradition was visited by St Francis, seeks to recount the force of a past that still occurs, even through the fruits of the earth, oil and wine.





The Grechetto wine is on view in the room next to the hospitality office of the monastery of Bose (BI) and may be shipped upon request.


For further information:

The wine of the Fraternity of Bose
Assisi San Masseo
Tel (+39) 015.25 89 019
Fax (+39) 015.679.4949 


Garden and fruit grove

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Read more: Garden and fruit grove

Ever since the first years of our community, agriculture has always been an important part of our work.

Growing according to the different seasons, the great variety of agricultural produce reminds us of God's blessing on our work and marks the time passing in our community life.

At the moment eight members of the community (both brothers and sisters) do this activity as their professional work.

Read more: Garden and fruit grove
apricots from the garden

In our fields around the monastery and in our greenhouses we produce:

  • Vegetables: zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, cardoons, greens...
  • Soft fruit: blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries, strawberries...
  • Fruit: peaches, apricots, pears...

The different varieties of vegetables and fruits are carefully selected for their taste and not because of their yield.

Our production is oriented mainly for the community's daily use (preparing meals for members of the community as well as for guests). Part of the production is processed and transformed into sauces, jams, and other specialities.