Edizioni Qiqajon

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Read more: Edizioni Qiqajon

Based on research carried out by some of the members of the monastic community of Bose, the publishing house Edizioni Qiqajon takes its name from the Hebrew word "qiqajon", i.e. the tree that God let grow over the prophet Jonah's head to refresh him and give him shade, coolness, and joy... The books published by Edizioni Qiqajon are therefore intended to be a small tree, an oasis, in the shade of which the reader can rest, refresh himself, and reflect upon what is closest to his own heart, in the fellowship of men and women of our times.

Read more: Edizioni Qiqajon

You can buy our books in our bookshop at the monastery, in other bookstores, or directly from the publishing house. Send your order by mail to our postal address, by fax, or by e-mail (acquisti@qiqajon.it). In your order please write the exact title(s) of the book(s) you want to receive and the number of copies, and leave your address and telephone number.

For further information contact:

Edizioni Qiqajon
Monastery of Bose
I 13887 Magnano BI
Tel. (+39) 015.679.115 (delivery dept., 8:00-12:00 am)
Fax (+39) 015.679.49.49 (delivery dept.)
Tel. (+39) 015.679.264 (bureau)
Fax (+39) 015.679.290 (bureau)

The printing house

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Read more: The printing house
Read more: The printing house

The printing house was started in 1984. At the moment it works with two little Heidelberg offset machines.

The main production is oriented to the printing materials for our publishing house Edizioni Qiqajon:

  • Testi di meditazione: this collection of booklets, published six times a year, contains texts for meditation
  • Testi dei padri della chiesa: this collection of booklets, published six times a year, contains the first translations into Italian of some precious writings by the Church Fathers
  • La vita religiosa: collection of booklets about religious life

The printing house also prints most of the materials (booklets, brochures, labels, etc.) for the different community’s needs, including materials for the monastery workshops.