Conference proceedings 1996-2012

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The journal Positions luthériennes has published the proceedings of the past Conferences on Protestant spirituality (all are in French).

The Lord's Supper and the Unity of the Churches
Bose, May 17 - 20, 2012

Proceedings published in Positions luthériennes no. 3-4 (2012)

Repentance, Conversion, Reconciliation
Bose, May 1 - 4, 2008

Proceedings published in Positions luthériennes no. 3 e 4 (2008) e no. 1 (2009)

Positions luthériennes: 16, rue Chauchat - 75009 Paris
Positions luthériennes: 16, rue Chauchat - 75009 Paris

Baptism, source of the Christian life
Bose, May 6-8, 2005

Proceedings published in Positions luthériennes n. 1 (2006) under the title «Le baptéme, source de la vie chrétienne».









Positions luthériennes: 16, rue Chauchat - 75009 Paris
Positions luthériennes: 16, rue Chauchat - 75009 Paris

Scripture - Gospel - Church
Bose, May 10-12, 2002

Proceedings published in Positions luthériennes n. 1 (2004) under the title «Ecriture - Évangile - Église».









Positions luthériennes: 16, rue Chauchat - 75009 Paris
Positions luthériennes: 16, rue Chauchat - 75009 Paris

The spirituality in the Church history and theology
Bose, May 11-16, 1999

Proceedings published in Positions luthériennes n. 1-2 (2003) under the title «Spiritualités en débat. Une perspective oecuménique».








For information abour the proceedings contact:
Positions luthériennes: 16, rue Chauchat - 75009 Paris

For information about the conferences contact:
Conferences Secretariat
Monastery of Bose
I-13887 Magnano (BI)
Tel. +39 015.679.185
Fax +39 015.679.294
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.