Risultati (1567)
Les paradoxes de la croix
Religion de paradoxes que la religion chrétienne! Paradoxes si divers et si nombreux, si diffciles à exprimer, qu'au cours des siècles, les chrétiens ont souvent renoncé à les affronter. Dans c...
Press release 07.09
XVIth International Ecumenical Conference
This year the Conference treats the topic of “Spiritual Paternity in the Orthodox Tradition”, which will be investigated in its biblical, spiritual, litu...
Final press release 07.09
XVI International ecumenical conference
This year conference treats the topic of “Spiritual Paternity in the Orthodox Tradition”, which will be investigated in its biblical, spiritual, liturgical...
Prier la Parole
Cet essai est véritablement un retour aux sources dans la ligne voulue par le Concile Vatican II. Il cherche à nous offrir «la possibilité d'utiliser à nouveau une méthode de lecture aussi ...
Si tu savais le don de Dieu
« Nous ne sommes pas meilleurs », assure Enzo Bianchi à propos de la vie religieuse!
Les religieux sont des baptisés comme les autres, appelés à la sainteté et à la charité comme tout le peuple de...
Fraternal visit and study trip in China
From 29 May to 3 July brother Matteo went to China to learn better the Chinese language, for research on the history of Christianity in that country, and especially to forge ties of acquaintance an...
Reflections on a recent trip to Tur Abdin
Brother Sabino last month has spent two weeks in the region of Tur Abdin where he lived a true experience of communion with the Christians, in particular with the monks living there.
Press release
2 September 2010
XVIII International Ecumenical Conference
The course of the conference desires to offer a space for a fraternal encounter between the various Christian Churches, for communi...
Spiritual life
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Words of Spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI Our life as Christians is not about going ‘beyond’ or ‘further,’ always in search of something new, but rather about going in depth There was a problem loading image 'images/stories/preghiera/lessico_spirituale/vita_spirituale/thumbnails/thumb_img_5782_annunciazione.jpg'
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Suivre Jésus le Seigneur
Ce livre est beaucoup plus qu'une « tentative ». Face au défi de l'intransigeance qui s'impose aux chrétiens de la société contemporaine, l'approche de ce livre est orientée vers le...
Une vie différente
L'intention principale de la Première lettre de Pierre est de confirmer dans la foi, grâce à l'exemple du Christ, quelques communautés chrétiennes qui vivent un moment de crise.
Le sida, vivre et mourir en communion
Enzo Bianchi, le prieur de la communauté de Bose, en Italie, auteur bien connu d'écrits de spiritualité, nous livre ici son expérience d'accompagnement des malades du sida. Sa méditation, n...
Lecture by metropolitan Chrysostomos of Messinia
Bose, 7 September 2011
XIX International Ecumenical Conference
on Orthodox spirituality
Le letture bibliche e la predicazione costituiscono così parte imprescindibile della santa lit...
Homily of bishop Domenico Sorrentino
Assisi, 22 October 2011
Blessing of the Monastery of San Masseo
Today here begins again a thread, one of the many threads of this marvelous history. Who weaves this thread? God’s Spirit, he...
Le manteau d'Elie
Élie monta au ciel dans le tourbillon... Élisée ramassa le manteau d’Élie qui était tombé près de lui, et en frappa les eaux du Jourdain en disant: "Où est le Seigneur, Dieu d’Élie ?"(2 R...
Aux prêtres
«Je chercherai à n'être qu'un écho de la Parole de Dieu et une voix de ce que j'ai longtemps écouté de la vie ecclésiale et presbytérale. Je partagerai avec vous quelques pensées que, s...
Monastic experience in Japan
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From 17 September to 12 October 2011 brother Matteo was in Japan, where he was invited with four other monks and nuns from Europe and the United States to participate in the 12th East-West spiritua... There was a problem loading image 'images/stories/comunita/notizie/vita_comunitaria/Giappone2011/thumbnails/thumb_Jap1.jpg'
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The Roman primacy in the first millennium
From 24 to 26 July 2012, on the initiative of the prior, br Enzo, and under the direction of fr Hervé Legrand, a study seminar was held in Bose on the topic of the Petrine primacy
Incontri e attività
domenica 1 dicembre
RITIRO DI AVVENTOLa visita del Signore nell'evangelo secondo Luca
meditazioni di Cecilia Falchini, monaca di Bose.
Iniziamo il tempo d'Avvento con delle riflessioni sul...
Presentation conferences 1996-2002
Scripture - Gospel - Church Bose, 10-12 May 2002
The work of these three days concentrated on the triad “Scripture — Gospel — Church” and sought to bring out the issues and challenges t...
Guests are invited to commemorate feastdays together with the community, celebrating special liturgies according to a timetable which is different from the usual everyday timetable.
Press release
XXII International Ecumenical Conferenceof Orthodox SpiritualityBLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERSBose, 3 - 6 september 2014in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches
PRESS RELEASE The customa...Conference proceedings 2013-1993
XXI Convegno ecumenico internazionaleLe età della vita spiritualeBose, 4-7 settembre 2013
La fede cristiana sa parlare a tutte le età della vita, entra nella storia degli uomini e delle d...Introduction to the conferences 1998-2008
A Cloud of Witnesses: opportunities for ecumenical commemoration Bose, 29 October - 2 November 2008
I santi e i martiri – o, più semplicemente, i “testimoni” cristiani che hanno condo...
Conclusions by the scientific committee
XXII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityBLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERSBose, 3–6 September 2014in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches
Conclusions read by Michel ...Edizioni Qiqajon
Based on research carried out by some of the members of the monastic community of Bose, the publishing house Edizioni Qiqajon takes its name from the Hebrew word "qiqajon", i.e. the tree ...
Écouter la Parole
« Nous nourrir de la Parole, pour que nous soyons des "serviteurs de la Parole" dans notre mission d'évangélisation, c'est assurément une priorité pour l'Église au début du no...
Final press release
XXII International Ecumenical Conference of Orthodox SpiritualityBLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERSBose, 3–6 September 2014in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches
FINAL PRESS RELE...Lectio su Marco 10,46-52
Roma, 26 ottobre 2012 S. Maria in Traspontina
“Coraggio! Àlzati, ti chiama!”
Introduzione Vorrei innanzitutto esprimere la mia grande gioia di essere ancora una volta in mezzo a voi per meditare ...
Le Dieu de mes grandes amitiés
A une époque où l'on sent le besoin de donner un contenu substantiel à notre vie spirituelle, ce livre est une véritable nouveauté. Non seulement il est né d'une expérience personnelle et c...