
27th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality
In the Church, in the world, in the present time

Monastery of Bose, 4-6 September 2019

in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches

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Life in Christ is witness to the possibility of a life full of meaning, a hope for all always present in the heart of humanity and creation.

Theme and Scientific Committee

“Adam, where are you?” (Gen 3,9). In the biblical tradition, God’s call is a call into being out of dust, a call to life, a call to become truly human.

In the Gospel, this call takes a concrete form in the person of Jesus of Nazareth: a response to God’s call involves the following of Christ (cf. Jn 1:38).

It is an encounter of wonder, the birth of an adventure that traverses history.

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Information and registration

Read more:  Information and registration27th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality
In the Church, in the world, in the present time

Monastery of Bose, 4-6 September 2019

in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches

Follow us 

The Conference is open to all. 

Live translation to Italian, Greek, Russian, English and French will be available.
Participants are kindly requested to arrive on Tuesday, September 3. Departures are scheduled for Saturday 7 in the morning.
Hospitality will be provided at the Monastery of Bose and in the nearby area; a daily transport service will be provided.

To register for the Conference you must call the Secretariat and send the attached
 pdf registration form by August 25, 2019.

Participation is subject to availability of places.

The Secretariat is at your disposal for any information.

Convegno Ecumenico – Secretariat
I-13887 Magnano (BI)
Tel. +39 015.679.185 – Fax +39 015.679.294 


Read more: Thanks

27th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality
In the Church, in the world, in the present time
Monastery of Bose, 4-6 September 2019
in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches

We would thank now together the Lord, who once again called us, gathered us here to rediscover His calling to be brothers and sisters in Christ.

We thank the Bishops present here, the Representatives of the different Churches who come faithfully every year. We assure them of our constant prayer for their Churches, for their ministry, so that peace may reign among all the Churches.

A great and fraternal thanks to the monks and nuns who came from their monasteries, both in the East and in the West. These monastic presences give us much joy with their faithful friendship and attention. Thanks to the members of the scientific committee, to the speakers, for their scholarly research that made this conference possible. As every year, the Proceedings of the Conference will be available, so that your work may be known and bear its fruits.

We wish to continue this humble service to the Churches, without pretentions, but offering a space for dialogue, our prayer for peace and harmony among the Churches, our love in order to follow together the Christ. We would like to keep a space of respect, of mutual friendship, of reciprocal attention. This is a service proper to the monastic vocation, in obedience to the Lord, without any desire to promote oneself.

Next year, if the Lord grants it to us, the conference will be held as usual in this first week of September (2-4 September 2020).

Finally, a word of thanks to all those who made this conference possible: the brothers and sisters of the community, who in silence offered their work so that the conference would be ordained and hospitable; to the interpreters; to the staff; to all those who have helped us to live these days in a peaceful and fruitful way.

Thanks to all of you who encourage us with your presence and your fraternal love to persevere in the common following of the Lord. We tell you that we pray for you and you do not cease to pray for us, because we are all together wayfarers to the Kingdom. Thank you for everything and above all for your magnificent friendship, which you have been showing for 27 years now. Thank you!

Enzo Bianchi
Founder of Bose
Chairman of the Scientific Committee

4 september - picture of the conference

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27th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality
In the Church, in the world, in the present time
Monastery of Bose, 4-6 September 2019
in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches