Information and registration

2019 Andrey Rublev saviour27th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality
In the Church, in the world, in the present time

Monastery of Bose, 4-6 September 2019

in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches

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The Conference is open to all. 

Live translation to Italian, Greek, Russian, English and French will be available.
Participants are kindly requested to arrive on Tuesday, September 3. Departures are scheduled for Saturday 7 in the morning.
Hospitality will be provided at the Monastery of Bose and in the nearby area; a daily transport service will be provided.

To register for the Conference you must call the Secretariat and send the attached
 pdf registration form by August 25, 2019.

Participation is subject to availability of places.

The Secretariat is at your disposal for any information.

Convegno Ecumenico – Secretariat
I-13887 Magnano (BI)
Tel. +39 015.679.185 – Fax +39 015.679.294